5 Trip Highlights from Bunji Travel’s first Disney Cruise

February 12 – 15, 2024, marked Bunji Travel’s first cruise offering for an NDIS supported holiday. However this wasn’t just any cruise, it was the Disney Wonder. Bunji Travel participants Chantelle, Kerry, Robert, Sarah, Brenden, Jade and Benita snapped up this trip as soon as it was announced and couldn’t wait to set sail on their three-night adventure to Hobart, Tasmania. Discover the top five trip highlights from their nautical adventure.

Kerry and the Disney Wonder

A trip of firsts

This was Chantelle, Kerry and Robert’s first trip with Bunji Travel. Chantelle and Kerry were introduced to Bunji Travel through their support coordinators, whilst Robert learned about the cruise through our handy travel booklet and wasted no time signing up. For another Bunji participant, this trip represented the first time they left New South Wales – how exciting!

Swashbuckling fun

The pirate-themed party was definitely a favourite night of our participants. Everyone dressed up in their finest pirate attire and mingled with some of Disney’s infamous pirates such as Jack Sparrow and Captain Hook

Surprise visits from a princess 

Princess Tiana from Disney's The Princess and the Frog surprised our travellers while they enjoyed southern cooking from Tiana’s Place. In-between performances of live jazz, Tiana shared stories of her adventures in the Bayou. Brenden couldn’t have been more chuffed.

Exploring historic Hobart

The ship’s port of call in Hobart gave the participants a fantastic opportunity to discover some of the amazing sites Tasmania has to offer. They explored the historic streets and Mawson's Huts Replica Museum, where they gained insight into the daily lives of the Australasian Antarctic expeditioner who spent two winters living and working in the windiest place on Earth.

The most delightful duck

As our group bid farewell to Hobart and boarded the ship for Sydney, they were surprised with a greeting from Daisy Duck. She wished everyone a safe trip home and her energy was infectious – she brought a smile to all of our participants' faces.

Bunji Travel’s trip on the Disney Wonder Cruise was nothing short of magical. Every day was filled with something exciting for our participants to enjoy, from delicious food and drinks to entertaining musicals and parties. They all can't wait for their next adventure with Bunji Travel. 

Check out some other memories from their trip.

Discover a range of fun and exciting upcoming Bunji Travel trips here: https://www.bunji.au/bunji-travel


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