Our story

Celebrating connection is not just part of our name – it is our guiding philosophy.

We believe when people are connected to their community, they live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.
It is our job to ensure that people living with disabilities and their carers are connected to the personalised support they need.

Bunji translates, literally, to 'mate' or 'close friend' in the Warlpiri language.

Bunji was created out of a need we saw in our
local community. 

We knew that many people accessing services under the NDIS, and their carers, were disconnected from their community and individualised supports. For far too many people, supports are fractured, disjointed and disconnected.

Bunji was created to redefine what it means to be connected and supported - not just by an individual but by a whole community.

Connected to things that enable people to take advantage of every opportunity available to them - whatever they might be - and supported to achieve their goals and aspirations.

What’s in a name

We wanted a name that conveyed our vision in a single word. Bunji translates, literally, to 'mate' or 'close friend' in the Warlpiri language. 

The name reflects our organisation's renewed focus on community, friendship, kindness and connection - all necessary ingredients for living a fulfilled life. We also wanted the name of the organisation to be intrinsically connected to the cultural ethos: our clients are our friends first and foremost. They are part of our family.